Call for donation // Spendenaufruf

It is the end of 2023, it is hard to believe that we are closing out another year.  At the end of each year, our team takes a two-week break to rest. We shut down and go into a little hibernation.  Reason being, is that our small team deserves it, without question!At the end of each year, when I sit and reflect what we have been able to experience and accomplish as an organization, I am always so encouraged and proud of my team.  We are a small non-profit organization, with very limited financial resources, yet despite that, we are able to offer an incredible and wide assortment of cultural opportunities. This past year, one of our many events was our 10-year Birthday.  Yes ten years!  Through many of those ten years, we were wondering if we were financially going to make it.  However, each year, we were able to get by, sometimes with much wonderment.  We are thankful that we have not had to shut our doors and are still able to engage, create and inspire together with you, our community. You see, Kulturschöpfer is not just a gallery, nor is it just a shared office  or event location.  We are a space that has community at its center, a place where people's longings for beauty, identity and community are met and are spoken to.  We are a space that wants to restore human dignity and where people feel at home, especially in a city where for so many, Berlin is a new place to them. We aspire to be a place where people can feel seen and known.  We do what we do, not to just have great events or projects (which we do ;)), but to create a space for people. As an organization we desire to be generous, with our time, with our giftings and our resources.  I thank each person who over the past year and ten years who have sacrificially given of themselves and their resources to Kulturschöpfer. KS is what it is, because of what people like you have given.Given that truth, that KS is, because of what people have given, I have a favor to ask of you.  Would you consider donating financially to KS at the end of this year?   Every cent we get is invested in giving back to the community, to our neighborhood and to Berlin.  We greatly appreciate you considering supporting us, not just as an organization, but as a community. Thank you & happy holidays,
Christopher & the whole Kulturschöpfer Team

Paypal donation link:

Betterplace link:

2023 Kulturschöpfer Highlights

Start to what would be a beautiful year with our KS Team, community, and our wider network of creatives

Finissage and Artist Talk for our exhibition around migration and integration
Kicking off our first Artist Residence of the year with our In//Between Programme

Vernissage of our photography show Imposed Traces

Vernissage of our exhibition where artists Eozeen Lee, Sebastian Köster and Jan Lengert together served as a stimulus to question how our impressions and sensations influence the way we view the world

Enjoying summer with community events including a Happy Hour
Appraisal for our Fleeting Moments' exhibition taking place alongside Berlin Gallery Weekend

Together with Open House, hosted our Vernissage The Challenge of Life and a Dance Perfomance

Start of our Summer Programme with a range of talks, workshops, and gallery activities

Summer Programme including an open discussion round around Healing, Growth, and intuitive Design with Gesellschaft für Biologische Krebsabwehr e.V.

Celebrating 10 years of Kulturschöpfer with our community
Printing workshop in our workshop space
Monotype workshop and a live painting sessions
Vernissage of our Change exhibition

Roundtable exploring our Longing for Beauty
Our exhibition ‘Change: transition, innovation or revolution?’ brought together artists from around the world

Vernissage Digial Chaos, Modern Sublime
Two kids exhibits together with local Berlin-based schools and a wonderful group of young children

Hosting another legendary Christmas Party
Living Room Concert with Sojus Music
Working on our January 2024 exhibition